I want to know…

About your best post EVER.

post-17467-QxfwgZKgif-fa2WYes, YOUR best post EVER.

Do me the kindness of commenting with your best post ever!  That can mean your post with the most likes, or the one that you feel you enjoyed writing the most, or that you feel is your best work.  Since it’s YOUR best post, interpret YOUR however YOU do.

Can’t wait to see what y’all have in store for me!

Don’t want to post it here for some reason? You can always come find me on: Facebook  Twitter  Pinterest  Instagram YouTube Tumblr



40 thoughts on “I want to know…

  1. I’ve only just starting blogging two weeks ago but this is one of my favorite. I’m a recovery alcoholic and just wanted to share some of my story. Thanks

  2. Reblogged this on Unleashing Your inner Beauty and commented:
    My best work is the second post I ever made. Enjoy 🙂 Writing posts is the most intense and most beautiful experience ever….I want to be a writer. I am passionate. I love it. Getting my thoughts out and actually have people say, “Hey–that was great!” that is something I want to do with my life. I think it would be amazing to tour the world and just write about EVERYTHING! Life, sorrow, personal issues, poetry….there is something about writing that is freeing. Something I can’t describe…and having people read my posts…is the BEST FEELING EVER. Thanks for being awesome…-TB

  3. My most viewed post was Little Joe’s Heart, which told the story of a friend’s infant son who was born with a congenital heart condition that was going to kill him before he could ever leave the hospital.
    It was a sad story, but received an amazing >500 views and hopefully prompted discussion about infant organ donation.
    Little Joe eventually passed away, but not without touching thousands of lives through his father’s tireless efforts. I know he touched mine and I never met him.

    • It was not a humility test, but it can be if you want it to!! I actually just wanted to get to know my readers a little more. Everyone likes a chance to talk about themselves/brag on occasion. 🙂 I’ll hop on over and read your post now 🙂

  4. Pingback: Day 291- Write Mortal, Write! | Amy Who?

  5. My most read post is http://thejoyfultruth.wordpress.com/2013/10/05/he-finished-the-race-dedicated-in-memory-of-andrew-rundle/ It has about 2638 views, compared to my next highest which only has 40. I’ve never really attributed it’s success to me however as it’s about the last months of a young mans life and how he inspired me… I call it “Andrews Post” and consider it as such.
    I like many of the posts I’ve written, but I think the one that speaks to me the most right now is http://thejoyfultruth.wordpress.com/2014/01/20/the-cost-of-speech/ although it’s only had 5 views to date.
    I’m still so new to blogging in so many ways and don’t really know how to increase readership.

Any thoughts? Please Comment!